Mr Muhammad Asif,President ,Australia Pakistan Chamber of Trade, commerce & Industry organised a fund raising dinner at Dine2gether restaurant in Pennant Hills. The dinner was attended by Muhammad Ashraf , Consul General Of Pakistan , Mehreen Faruqi, Senator Parliament Of Australia, Uzma Gillani, Legendary Pakistani Artist.
The MC for the evening were Hamza Asif & Kaleem who performed their duties with full zeal and engaged the audience in their fascinating words.

Maulana Nazeer Thanvi started the proceedings with the recitation of Holy Quran with translation and emphazied on Charity that it does not reduce wealth when you are making any charity.
Mr Muhammad Asif, President APC in his opening speech welcomed the delegates and paid special thanks to Mr Muhammad Ashraf, Consul General of Pakistan & Senator Faruqi for accepting their invitation in such a short notice and attended the dinner. Although it was a very short notice to arrange this dinner for the noble cause of flood affected people in Pakistan but even then prominent members of the Australian Pakistan community spared their valuable time to attend this event.

Mr Asif also informed about the agenda of the evening in which two paintings of Mr Anjum Ayaz , Pride of Performance Artist from Pakistan, donated by Javed Nazar of Koocha E Saqafat.
One cricket bat signed by Pakistan cricket team, donated by Mr Ejaz Paracha was also to be auctioned.

The Consul General of Pakistan in his address informed the current flood situation in Pakistan and shared his views as to how it has hit the Pakistan’s all provinces.
Senator Faruqi in her speech advised about the current $2.00M aid donated by Australian Government and assured that she would push the Government to increase the aid. She said that she will raise this matter in the Parliament next session.

Mrs Uzma Gillani also addressed the audience and shared her personal experience and read her own and Anwar Maqsood poetry.
The highlight of the fund raising was auction process which was led by Uzma Gillani who made it successful by pushing the audience to take part in auction process. All three items were auctioned, bat $4500, Large painting $4200, small painting $1500. All audience participated in this process with full zeal and raised the handsome amount of money to be delivered to well known charity organisations. The proceeds of Paintings auction was announced to be given to Edhi Foundation Australia.
In the end Mr Muhammad Asif, President APC thanked all participants who attended this dinner and management of dine2gether restaurant for providing scrumptious food.