Minister for Multiculturalism
Eid ul-Adha
Eid Mubarak!
I send my best wishes to Muslims throughout New South Wales as you celebrate the Blessed Eid ul-Adha.
This year, one million pilgrims will also arrive in the Holy City of Mecca to perform the Hajj. I understand the Hajj is a particularly important moment for all who are embarking on this holy pilgrimage.
In New South Wales, everyone is welcome to express themselves and their faith. Our State is a place where we can learn from one another, foster mutual respect and create greater cross-cultural understanding. This sense of understanding erodes the barriers which hinder our ability to flourish as a united, multicultural and multifaith society.
The NSW Government is committed to ensuring our society continues to flourish, and I particularly want to thank the Muslim community for helping us achieve this.
On behalf of the NSW Government, I wish you a peaceful Eid ul-Adha and to those who are travelling from New South Wales to Mecca a safe and fulfilling journey.