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Consulate General of Pakistan arranged Pakistani group participation in Parramasala Event

Parramasala event was held on 10-12 March 2017. The Consulate General of Pakistan arranged Pakistani Cultural performance at Parramasala Multicultural Festival with the support of the Government of Sindh and the Board of Parramasala. On the occasion of this event Mr Abdul Majid Yousfani, the Consul General of Pakistan said that our participation has included Pakistani Cultural Parade, live Singing Performance(Sufi Music), Cooking Show and Truck Art performed for the first time in Sydney, Australia.

The folk singers of Pakistan performed live in this event along with Mr Riaz Rafi, the renowned painting artistic who did live truck art performance. Finally the truck art vehicle was handed over Parramasala festival organizers. The art on wheels completed by Riaz Rafi (from Karachi) assisted by Natasha De Souza(from Perth) and Shahid A.Malik(Sydney).

In the end, the Consul General of Pakistan thanked the Pakistani Community who supported the Parramasala cultural festival. He said your support is valuable for making our participation a big success.

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