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Australia Pakistan Chamber Of Commerce Signed MOU With Federation Of Pakistan Chamber Of Commerce On 10th November at Karachi

Mr Muhammad Asif , President APCCI and Mr Zubair  F Tufail, President FPCCI signed MOU at Federation House  at karachi on 10th,  November 2017 . The MOU  signing ceremony was  witnessed by Mr Abdul  Majid  Yousfani  Consul  General of Pakistan in Australia along with other delegate members visiting in expo Karachi.This will provide an opportunity for potential and existing businesses to grow and flourish with the help of both chambers collaboration.

Mr Zubair F Tufail, in his opening speech reiterated that FPCCI  will provide their full support for the new business queries raised from Australia in relation to the promotion of potential business. Mr Asif thanked Mr Zubair for offering their full cooperation in relation to new and existing businesses. After singing of  MOU,  the documents were exchanged between the two and all participants congratulated APCCI and FPCCI for  attaining this milestone.

Mr Zubair F Tufail presented shield to Mr  Asif as a token of appreciation and vice versa, Mr Asif also exchanged shield to him. It was a successful event held in Karachi during this expo exhibition time.





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